Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kids with ADD and ADHD

I got this email from a cousin of mine when I told her about our blog and I thought I would pass it on. As a kid who grew up with ADD it's nice to know that more is being learned about the disability and there is so much more we can do with our kids today that replaces medication. I wanted to pass this on because I believe that we need to educate ourselves about ADD and ADHD and now we have someone to contact with questions that we may encounter. Here is what she sent me:

"Hello there,

I'm Karie Harmon, in response to your email, I would like to add a topic of : kids with ADHD. My oldest son was DX with ADHD in Feb 2008. It's been a relieve to know what is going on but at the same time it's been a struggle knowing how to help him and how to cope myself.

Let me know if you have any questions,



If you have a product review you would like posted or a topic you would like to have discussed please email me at I will be updating the blog every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with new topics. Please email me so we can start talking about things that are important to you!!!

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