Monday, July 7, 2008

Not sure if I'm over exaggerating...

Sorry for the delay in posts. I took advantage of the long weekend and got some much needed rest!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. It's totally a new experience sharing it with a little one. I feel so blessed to have my family with me!!!

I have another question for you guys. I've noticed over the last little bit that my little girl has started pulling on her ears. I'm slightly worried because my experience says that when a baby toughs on their ears there's usually something going on with them (i.e. ear infections) however, she doesn't fuss anymore than usual (needing to eat, getting tired, or wanting a diaper change). Is she just at that age where she's realized she's got something growing out of the side of her head and she's curious about them or should I make a point to ask the doctor about them when we go in this month? I'm thinking we're not at a ear infection just yet because there's no fever or fussy nature but growing up my little brother never got fevers with his ear infections and it's just making me wonder.

Am I over anxious because she's my first and I'm looking for something to be wrong or should I just be excited that my little baby has discovered a new body part and is excited to explore it through the miracle of touch?

Do any of you expert mothers have any advice? Is this something you've all noticed before?

Thank you for your help!!! I'm really grateful you're all so willing to openly share advice with me.

- Cheris Vreeken
If you have a product review you would like posted or a topic you would like to have discussed please email me at I will be updating the blog every week with new topics. Please email me so we can start talking about things that are important to you!!!


Paige said...

You know what, it could be nothing, but it never hurt to bring her in. She might just have a high tolerance for pain. But on the flip side if it doesnt bother it also wouldn't hurt to let them run its course instead of putting her on an antibiotic. In personal experiance my daughter would pull on her ears when she was tired. She wasn't a fussy baby so that was my only sign she was tired. Good Luck.

monica said...

If it isn't bothering her, she's probably okay. But it wouldn't hurt to ask at her next appointment. Obviously, if she starts getting fussy and fevered, than bring her in. But I agree with Paige, if she is only pulling on her ear and nothing else is wrong, just let it run it's course. Like Paige's daughter, it could be a comfort thing.

And even if you were overreacting, who cares, it's your prerogative as a first-time mom. Better to be safe than sorry.

Zak and Allysia said...

It's always better error on the side of caution, if you are concerned you should probably take her in. You can also go to a pharmacy and purchase and otoscope (the instrument the pediatrician uses to look in your baby's ears) make sure it is an appropriate size to use on your baby, and learn how to use it. The ear canal of babies and young children is usually rather straight but in order to get a clear view of the canal as well as the eardrum you may have to pull straight back slightly on the outer ear. Do not push the otoscope into your baby's ears, place the end of the otoscope on the edge her ear canal.
No one wants to feel like a silly first-time-mom but your pediatricians office is used to first-time-moms and will not ridicule you for being observant of a change in behavior. If you are concerned, don't hesitate to take her in.